To guide you in your purchase, we have made a simplified model of both the aesthetic condition description, inside and out, as well as the functional condition according to the table below. However, we intend to focus on high quality bags in good to excellent condition, so that you get an item that both feels and looks good, and lasts over time. Note that most bags are made of either canvas or leather, both of which tend to patina. Thus, both colour and appearance change over time, depending on the degree of use. We always provide a guarantee of authenticity on all the bags we sell. More information about the condition of each individual product is provided under each item description on the respective bag.
Our bags are sourced from companies overseen by us, our experts verify that all bags are genuine and in the condition, we describe in store. In the unlikely event that a customer could prove that a bag purchased from us is fake, we will of course take it upon ourselves to buy the bag back at no additional cost to the customer. Contact us here.
In general, it is said that a bag that is older than 20 years is vintage. However, it is not so easy to draw that line every time because there are other parameters that can come into play. For example, if the model has been taken out of production or if it is unique in some other way. We have therefore chosen not to specify whether a bag should be classified as vintage or pre-owned, but instead focused on a detailed condition description in combination with a simple grading scale for the comparability between products.
All bags are shipped in our premium packaging, wrapped in paper protected by a hard cardboard. Some bags also come with their original storage bag. If so, this is indicated on the specific product.
If a repair, due to wear or other damage is required, we will unfortunately not be able to take the bag in for repair. Instead, we refer you to experts who have the right tools to carry out the necessary repairs. If you would like recommendations on where to turn to, you are of course welcome to contact us here.
We always offer 14-days return policy. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it within 14-days to exchange it for other goods, or get your money back free of charge. The return is only authorised if the seal on the bag is still in place and unbroken. We always offer free returns and exchanges. Read more here.
We offer different delivery methods. Read more here.
We accept several payment methods, whether you want to pay immediately or over time, you can find an option that suits you best.
Answers to the most frequently asked questions can be found here.
We aim to reply to your email within one working day.
We currently offer personal style advice through both digital and in-person customer meetings near our headquarters in Borås, Sweden.
If you're interested in booking a session with our personal shopper, send an email to us at, specifying whether you prefer a digital or in-person meeting, and we will get back to you with more details and available time slots.
Our style advisors look forward to helping you update your wardrobe and invest in timeless, quality garments!